Monday, June 28, 2010

Old man, trainstation

Agfa APX, 400 iso
March 2010

Too bad it can't be seen in a large format, at a decent resolution. Love this old man's look.*

Any ideas on avoiding this "wonderful" compression?

* Glad to be back.



Octavian-Andrei Brezean said...

un fel de "niciodata nu vom uita istoria" sau "de-acum incolo nu va mai fi timp" :D

si cand te gandesti ca bietul om nu avea treaba decat cu panoul de plecari :P

place cadrul ! :D

Irocheez said...

thanks, i like it too! have to get back at this kind of photography. am tras doar 3 sau 4 role de film din martie, in timp ce am filmat 700 de m.

Cintia said...

Beautiful photo.

Irocheez said...

thank you cinthia :)